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2017年秋季开学报到指南 Enrollment Guide for Freshmen


1. 现场报到On-site Registration
2017年9月8日 & 9日   Sept.8th & 9th    8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 — 16:00
国际教育学院招生办公室 (徐汇区梅陇路130号,晨园104室)
Admission Office, CIE (Room 104, Chenyuan building, 130 Meilong Road, Xuhui district)

报到流程 Registration Procedure
1核对信息 Confirm Offer
2住宿登记  Register for On-campus Accommodation
3付费 Pay fees (现金或银联标志卡;Cash or Card with Union Pay Logo)
4 保险 Insurance (400元/半年,800元/年; 400RMB/half year, 800RMB/year)
5 语言生汉语水平测试/ Chinese Level Test for Language Students
6 领取校园卡和欢迎礼包 Get Campus card and Welcome Package
2. 学历生注册 Degree Students Academic Registration
学历生完成报到手续后,到国际教育学院教务办公室(晨园105室)报到注册 Degree students must enroll at Academic Affairs Office of CIE after on-site registration(Room 105,Chenyuan building)
国际教育学院教务办公室 (晨园105室)
Academic Affairs Office, CIE (Room 105, Chenyuan building)

3. 汉语生领取教材与课表 Chinese Language Students Collecting Textbooks and Class Timetable
请携带《汉语教材领用单》 Please take the Notice of Collecting Chinese Textbooks
2017年9月13日 & 14日   Sept.13th & 14th    8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 — 16:00  国际教育学院汉语教学办公室 (晨园二楼)
Chinese Language Teaching Office, CIE (2nd Floor of Chenyuan building)

4. 新生开学典礼与校园参观 New Students Opening Ceremony and Campus Tour
2017年9月15日   Sept.15th   9:00
晨园大厅集合 Assemble at the hall of Chenyuan
去 逸夫楼演讲厅To Lecture Hall of Yifu Building

5. 开始上课 Class Begins

1)汉语班开始上课Class begins for Chinese language students
2017年9月18日 Sept.18th  8:30汉语教室 (晨园二楼) Classrooms (2nd floor of Chenyuan Building)
2)研究生新生开始上课 Class begins for new graduate students
2017年9月18日 Sept.18th   8:00见课程表See schedule of different majors
3)本科新生开始上课 Class begins for new undergraduate students
2017年9月25日 Sept.25th   8:00见课程表See schedule of different majors

6. 法律宣传,签证政策与安全讲座 Introduction of Chinese Law, Visa Policies and Safety Lecture
2017年9月15日   Sept.15th        12:30
晨园大厅集合 Assemble at the hall of Chenyuan
去逸夫楼演讲厅To Lecture Hall of Yifu Building

7. 新生体检或体检报告验证 Physical examination for X1 visa holder
2017年9月20日 Sept.20th 7:00
Assemble at the lobby of CIE to the hospital by university bus ( 1st floor of Chenyuan Building)

1.    护照原件、护照首页和签证复印件
2.    中文录取通知书原件与复印件
3.    4张照片(护照照片大小)
4.    体检费:人民币500元
5.    在本国获得的6个月内的体检报告(如果有)
Necessary Documents and Fees:
1.    Original Passport , Copy of Passport's first page and Visa page
2.    Original and Copy of ECUST Admission letter in Chinese
3.    4 Passport-sized photos
4.    Fees: 500RMB
5.    Original Physical Examination Report issued within 6 months in own country (if available)
Please be ON TIME and DON’T have breakfast!

8. 办理居留许可签证Process Residence Permit visa(after receiving report of physical exam)
2017年9月27日 &28日   Sept.27th & 28th    8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 — 16:00
国际教育学院招生办公室 (徐汇区梅陇路130号,晨园104室)
Admission Office, CIE (Room 104, Chenyuan building, 130 Meilong Road, Xuhui district)
携带护照, 中文录取通知书原件,1张照片和住宿登记
Please bring passport, original admission letter in Chinese, 1 photo and temporary residence registration form

联系我们 Contact Us
华东理工大学 国际教育学院
中国上海市徐汇区梅陇路130号,邮编 200237
College of International Education
East China University of Science and Technology
130 Meilong Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200237
电话Tel: 0086-21-64253277/64253279
传真Fax: 0086-21-64252280
电子邮箱E-Mail: cie@ecust.edu.cn
网址Website: http://ies.ecust.edu.cn/

版权所有 © 华东理工大学国际教育学院    College of Internation Education